Courses Offered at the Tuscany Campus

The Tuscany Campus is administered entirely by the University of New Haven. Students can choose their courses from the Tuscany Campus curriculum, including one mandatory Italian language course, and are required to maintain full time status. To help more students take the opportunity to study abroad, students can choose up to two online courses. This is intended to help students blend their major requirements with the core courses available in Italy.

Frequently Asked Questions

For questions specific to the Tuscany Study Abroad program, please see our Tuscany Campus FAQ.

General FAQ

Program-Specific Courses - Fall 2024 Only
Course Number Course Title Professor Lab Fees
CJST 2201 Principles of Criminal Investigation R. McDonald  
CJST 3399 Professional Practices in Criminal Justice R. McDonald  
CJST 4420 Advanced Investigative Techniques R. McDonald  
INTD 4400 Portfolio Design & Production J. Slenker / S. Smith  
INTD 4451 Design Studio in Italy J. Slenker / S. Smith  
DSGN 4400 Design Innovation in Italy J. Slenker / S. Smith $600
Program-Specific Courses - Spring 2024 Only
Course Number Course Title Professor Lab Fees
CJST 1100 Introduction to CJ (MT 1) L. Boyd  
CJST 1102 Criminal Law (MT 1) L. Boyd  
CJST 2206 Victims and Victimization (MT2) S. Bonnes  
  ST: Gender, Genocide, and Mass Trauma (MT2) S. Bonnes  
CJST 3340 Race, Class, and Gender Issues in Criminal Justice L. Boyd / S. Bonnes  
EASC 1112 Methods to Engineering Analysis G. Nossoni $240
EASC 1120/21 Chemistry with Applications to Biosystems with Lab G. Nossoni $240, $80
EASC 2215 Sustainability, Ethics, and Professional Issues G. Nossoni $240
INTS 1141 Diversity and Social Justice P. McGrady  
SOCI 2270 Social Inequality P. McGrady  
SOCI 3320/PSYC 3321 Social Psychology P. McGrady  

Course Number Course Title Core Competency Lab Fees
ARTS 2233 Arts & Science of Renaissance Italy CC 9 Tier 1 $100
CHEM 2201/3 Organic Chemistry with Lab   $320
COMM 1130 Principles of Communication CC 2 Tier 1  
COMM 2240 Italian Cinema    
CJST 3327 The Mafia: Evolution of a Criminal Enterprise Elective  
ECON 1133 Introduction to Macroeconomics CC 7 Tier 2  
ENGL 1112* Seminar in Academic Inquiry CC 1 Tier 1  
HIST 1102 Modern Societies and Civilizations: Being Human in Modern Times CC 6 Tier 1  
HTMG 3307 Cultural Understanding of Food & Cuisine CC 8 Tier 1 $250
ITAL 1101 or higher** Italian Language CC 8 Tier 1 or Tier 2  
ITAL 2250 Contemporary Italian Life and Culture CC 8 Tier 2  
ITAL 4411 Crime and Punishment in Italian Culture CC8 Tier 2  
MATH 1108* College Math CC 3 Tier 1 $115
MATH 1110* College Algebra CC3 Tier 1  
MATH 1115* Pre-Calculus CC 3 Tier 1  
MUSC 1112 Music and Global Cultures CC 8 Tier 1, or CC 9 Tier 1 $100
PHIL 2210 Logic CC 5 Tier 2  
PHYS 1150/1 Mechanics, Heat & Waves & Lab   $115
SOCI 1113 Sociology CC 7 Tier 1  
For Fall, up to two online courses are allowed.

*Indicates a pre-requisite
**Italian language is a required course
Please note lab fees are subject to change.

Course Number Course Title Core Competency Lab Fees
ARTS 2233 Arts & Science of Renaissance Italy CC 9 Tier 1 $100
BIOL 2254*/56 Biology II: Organisms and Evolution   $115
CHEM 1116/8 General Chemistry II   $320
COMM 1130 Principles of Communication CC 2 Tier 1  
COMM 2240 Italian Cinema    
CJST 3327 The Mafia: Evolution of a Criminal Enterprise Elective  
CSCI 1166 Discreet Mathematics for Computing   $240
CSCI 2212 Intermediate Programming C/C++   $240
ECON 1134 Introduction to Microeconomics CC 5 Tier 2  
HIST 1102 Modern Societies and Civilizations: Being Human in Modern Times CC 6 Tier 1  
HTMG 3307 Cultural Understanding of Food and Cuisine CC 8 Tier 1 $250
ITAL 1101 or higher** Italian Language CC 8 Tier 1 or Tier 2  
ITAL 2250 Contemporary Italian Life & Culture CC 8 Tier 2  
ITAL 4411 Crime & Punishment in Italian Culture CC8 Tier 2  
MATH 1108* College Math CC 3 Tier 1 $115
MATH 1110* College Algebra CC 3 Tier 1 $115
MATH 1115* Pre-Calculus CC 3 Tier 1 $115
MATH 1117* Calculus I CC 3 Tier 2  
MATH 1118* Calculus II CC 3 Tier 2  
MUSC 1112 Music and Global Cultures CC 8 Tier 1, or CC 9 Tier 1 $100
SOCI 1113 Sociology CC 7 Tier 1  
PHIL 2210 Logic CC 5 Tier 2  
PHYS 1150/1 Mechanics, Heat, and Waves with Lab   $115
UNIV 1125 The UNCommon Course CC 5 Tier 1  
For Spring, up to two online courses are allowed.

*Indicates a pre-requisite
**Italian language is a required course
Please note lab fees are subject to change.

Tuscany Success Stories