Jiajuan (John) Liang, Ph.D.

Quantitative Analysis Department
Pompea College of Business
Ph.D., Multivariate Statistics, Hong Kong Baptist University
M.Sc., Multivariate Statistics, Nankai University
B.Sc., Mathematics, Nankai University
About Jiajuan
I actively involve in professional and academic activities such as serving as frequent referees for peer-reviewed statistical journals such as: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society (Series B and C), Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, Metrika, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods, TEST, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, Statistics, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Journal of Statistical Planning & Inference, Biometrical Journal, Statistics in Medicine, Statistics, Psychometrika, Statistics and Probability Letters . I am an active member of the American Statistical Association and am an active member of the International Chinese Statistical Association. For more information about my research and teaching, please visit my personal website: http://newton.newhaven.edu/jliang.
Tianjin University of Finance and Economics
Department of Statistics, China
- Introduction to Probability and Statistics
- Statistical Principle for Business and Economics
- Regression and Linear Models
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis
- Advanced Mathematics
Published Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Journal Articles
Liang, J. (2012). T3-Plot for Testing Spherical Symmetry for High-Dimensional Data with a Small Sample Size. Journal of Probability and Statistics, 2012.
Bentler, P. M., Liang, J., Tang, M.-L., Yuan, K.-H. (2011). Constrained Maximum Likelihood Estimation for Two-level Mean and Covariance Structure Models. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 71(2), 325-345.
Liang, J., Tang, M.-L., Chan, P. S. (2009). A Generalized Shapiro-Wilk W Statistic for Testing High-dimensional Normality. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 53, 3883-3891.
Liang, J., Ng, K. W. (2009). A Multivariate Normal Plot to Detect Non-normality. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18(1), 52-72.
Liang, J., Tang, M.-L. (2009). Generalized F-tests for the Multivariate Normal Mean. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,57, 1177-1190.
Liang, J., Pan, W. S. Y. (2009). A MATLAB-aided Method for Teaching Calculus-based Business Mathematics. American Journal of Business Education, 2(9), 15-40.
Upadhyaya, K. P., Mensz, P., Liang, J. (2008). Modeling Lean Operations and Allocation of Inventory Buffers in Discrete Manufacturing. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 4 (3), 147-154.
Liang, J., Martin, L. (2008). An Excel-aided Method for Teaching Calculus-based Business Mathematics. College Teaching Methods & Styles Journal, 4(11), 11-23.
Liang, J., Martin, L. (2008). Testing the Mean for Dependent Business Data. Journal of Hospital Marketing & Public Relations,18(2), 149-165.
Liang, J., Ng, K. W. (2008). A Method for Generating Uniformly Scattered Points on the Lp-Norm Unit Sphere and Its Applications. Metrika, 68, 83-98.
Liang, J., Fang, K. T., Hickernell, F. J. (2008). Some Necessary Uniform Tests for Spherical Symmetry. The Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 60, 679-696.
Liang, J., Pan, W. (2007). ANOVA for Business Data: What can You Do If the Statistical Conditions Are Not Satisfied? Journal of Global Business Issues, 1(2), 205-215.
Martin, L., Liang, J. (2007). Likert Scale Data: A Suggested Improvement in Statistical Testing. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 3(1), 24-30.
Liang, J., Mensz, P., Boynton, W. (2007). Testing the Mean for the Business Data: a Non-traditional Approach. Academy of Taiwan Business Management Review, 3(2), 126-134.
Pan, W. S. Y., Upadhyaya, K. P., Liang, J. (2006). Impact of China's Yuan Revaluation. International Business & Economics Research Journal, 5(11), 67-71.
Liang, J., Pan, W. S.Y. (2006). Testing the Mean for Business Data: Should One Use the z-test, t-test, F-test, the Chi-square Test, or the p-value Method? Journal of College Teaching & Learning, 3(7), 79-87.
Liang, J., Menz, P., Yang, Z.-H. (2005). Two Uniform Tests for Detecting Non-multinormality. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 21, 268-277.
Liang, J., Bentler, P. M. (2004). A New EM Algorithm for Fitting Two-level Structural Equation Models. Psychometrika, 69(1), 101-122.
Liang, J., Pan, W. S. Y., Yang, Z.-H. (2004). Characterization-Based Q-Q Plots for Testing Multinormality. Statistics & Probability Letters, 70(3), 183-190.
Liang, J., Fang, K.-T., Hickernell, F. J., Li, R. (2001). Testing Multivariate Uniformity and Its Applications. Mathematics of Computation, 70, 337-355.
Liang, J., Fang, K.-T. (2000). Some Applications of Läuter’s Technique in Tests for Spherical Symmetry. Biometrical Journal,42(8), 923-936.
Liang, J., Li, R., Fang, H., Fang, K.-T. (2000). Testing Multinormality Based on Low-dimensional Projection. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 86, 129-141.
Liang, J., Benter, P. M. (1999). A t-distribution Plot to Detect Non-multinormality. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,30 , 31-44.
Fang, K.-T., Li, R., Liang, J. (1998). A Multivariate Version of Ghosh T3-plot to Detect Non-multinormality. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis,28, 371-386.
Liang, J., Bentler, P. M. (1998). Characterizations of Some Subclasses of Spherical Distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters,40, 155-164.
Kotz, S., Fang, K.-T., Liang, J. (1997). On Multivariate Vertical Density Representation and Its Application to Random Number Generation. Statistics,30, 163-180.
Yang, Z.-H., Fang, K.-T., Liang, J. (1996). A Characterization of Multivariate Normal Distribution and Its Application. Statistics & Probability Letters,30, 347-352.
Fang, K.-T., Liang, J. (1989). Inequalities for the Partial Sums of Elliptical Order Statistics Related to Genetic Selection. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 17(4), 439-446.
Book Chapters
Bentler, P. M., Liang, J. (2008). A Unified Approach to Two-level Structural Equation Models and Linear Mixed Effects Models. In: Dunson, D. (Editor), Random Effect and Latent Variable Model Selection (Lecture Notes in Statistics), pp. 95-119. Springer-Verlag, New York.
Liang, J., Fang, K.-T., Hickernell, F., Li, R. (2007). A Stabilized Uniform Q-Q Plot to Detect Non-multinormality. Random Walk, Sequential Analysis and Related Topics (pp. 254-268). World Scientific Publishing Company.
Bentler, P.M., Liang, J., Yuan, K. H. (2005). Some Recent Advances in Two-level Structural Equation Models: Estimation, Testing and Robustness. In: Jianqing Fan and Gang Li (Eds.), Contemporary Multivariate Analysis and Experimental Design(pp. 211-232). World Scientific Publisher.
Bentler, P. M., Liang, J. (2003). Two-level Mean and Covariance Structures: Maximum Likelihood via an EM Algorithm. In: S. Reise & N. Duan (Eds.), Multilevel Modeling: Methodological Advances, Issues, andApplications (pp. 53-70). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Bentler, P. M., Liang, J. (2003). Simultaneous Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis for Two-level Structural Equation Models on EQS. In: H. Yanai, A. Okada, K. Shigemasu, Y.
Kano, & J. J. Meulman (Eds.), New Developments in Psychometrics (pp. 123-132). Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, Japan.
Fang, K.-T., Liang, J. (1999). Testing spherical and elliptical symmetry. In: S. Kotz, C.B. Read and D.L. Banks (eds.), Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences (Update). John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, Vol. 3, 686-691.
Presentations Given
Liang, J. (2014). "A Class of Uniform Tests for Goodness-of-fit of the Multivariate Lp-norm Spherical Distributions and the lp-norm Symmetric Distributions". The 2014 ICSA Statistics Conference, Shanghai, China.
Liang, J. (2014). "A Generalized T3-plot for Testing High-dimensional Normality", International Conference on Building Statistical Methodology and Theory, Yunnan, China.
Liang, J. (2013). "An Application of the Spherical Distribution in Financial Models". The 2013 International Conference, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Chengdu, China.
Liang, J. (2013). "A Stochastic Representation for the lp-norm Symmetric Distribution and Its Applications". The 2013 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association and Canadian Statistical Society, Montreal, Canada.
Liang, J. (2012). "A Class of Uniform Tests for Goodness-of-fit of the Multivariate Lp-norm Spherical Distributions and the lp-norm Symmetric Distributions". The 2012 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association and Canadian Statistical Society, San Diego, California.
Liang, J. (2011). "A Class of Exact F-tests for Capital Asset Pricing Models". The 2011 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association and Canadian Statistical Society, Miami Beach, Florida.
Liang, J. (2010). "Multivariate Asset Pricing Tests: A generalized F-approach". The 2010 Annual Conference of the Academy of International Business, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut.
Liang, J. (2010). "An Approach to Generating a Class of Generalized Symmetric Multivariate Distributions Based on Stochastic Representation". The 2010 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association and Canadian Statistical Society, Vancouver, Canada.
Liang, J. (2009). "Some Advances in Quantitative Business Research and Computer-aided Teaching Methods". Invited talk at School of Accounting, Wuhan University of Science and Engineering, Wuhan, and School of Management, Chang An University, Xi’an, China.
Liang, J. (2009). "Probability Plots and Their Applications in Goodness-of-fit". Invited Talk at Dept. of Mathematics & Statistics, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
Boynton, W., Liang, J., Tang, M.-L. (2009). "Multivariate Asset pricing Tests: Insights from Spherical Distribution Theory". University of New Haven Pompea College of Business Research Forum.
Liang, J., Martin, L. (2008). "A Monte Carlo Comparison between the Chi-square Test and the Traditional t-test for Analysis of Likert-scaled Data and Its Application in Marketing Research". University of New Haven, Pompea College of Business Research Forum.
Liang, J., Tang, M.-L. (2008). "Generalized F-tests for the Multivariate Normal Mean". The First International Meeting on Biopharmaceutical Statistics, Shanghai, China.
Liang, J. (2008). "Generalized F-tests for the Multivariate Normal Mean". Department of Statistics at Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China.
Liang, J. (2008). "Generalized F-tests for the Multivariate Normal Mean". Invited talk at the Department of Mathematics at Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai, China.
Liang, J. (2007). "A Dimension-reduction Method for Detecting Non-multinormality in Two-level Structural Equation Models". International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS), Tokyo, Japan.
Liang, J. (2007). "A Graphical Dimension-reduction Technique for Testing Normal Goodness-of-fit for Multivariate Data". Department of Statistics, Peking University, China.
Liang, J., Ng, K. W. (2006). "A Method for Generating Uniformly Scattered Points on the Lp-norm Unit Sphere and Its Applications". International Conference on Statistics and Its Applications, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.
Pan, W. S.Y., Upadhyaya, K., Liang, J. (2005). "Impact of China’s Yuan Revaluation". The International Business & Economics Research and College Teaching & Learning Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada. (2005).
Bentler, P. M., Liang, J. (2005). "Testing Multinormality in Two-level Structural Equation Models". The International Conference on Statistics, Hong Kong, China.
Liang, J., Pan, W. S.Y. (2005). "Testing the Mean for Business Data: Using the t-test, z-test, F-test or the Chi-square test?". The International Business & Economics Research and College Teaching & Learning Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada.
Liang, J., Fang, K.-T., Hickernell, F. J., Li, R. (2005). -plot for Testing High-dimensional Spherical Symmetry with Low Sample Size Data". The International Conference on Statistics, Hong Kong, China.
Liang, J. (2004). "An EM Algorithm for Two-Level Latent Variable Models". Department of Mathematics, Hong Kong Baptist University.
Liang, J., Bentler, P. M. (2004). "A Unified Approach to Studying Two-Level Structural Equation Models and Linear Mixed Effects Models". The 2004 Joint Statistical Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
Liang, J., Bentler, P. M. (2003). "Heterogeneous Mean and Covariance Structure Analysis for Two-level Latent Variable Models". The 2003 Joint Statistical Meeting, San Francisco, California.
Liang, J., Pan, W. S. (20030. "Characterization-based Q-Q Plots for Testing Multinormality". The 2003 Hawaii International Conference on Statistics and Related Fields, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Liang, J. (2001). "EM Algorithms for Clustered Data Analysis". Department of Statistics, University of California, Los Angeles.
Liang, J., Bentler, P. M. (2000). "Constrained Maximum Likelihood Analysis of General Two-level Structural Equation Models via EM Type Algorithms". The 2000 Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
Professional Positions
Associate Professor, University of New Haven (9/2007 - Present)
Assistant Professor, University of New Haven (9/2001 -8/2007)
Research Fellow and Lecturer (10/1998 – 8/2001)
Statistics & Drug Abuse Research Center
Department of Psychology and Statistics
Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, China. (1/1988 – 6/1994)
For Profit Organization
Consulting Center at UCLA Statistics Department. Title: Structural Equation Models
Description: Evaluate a grant proposal that proposes using structural equation models.
Contact: Dr. Ann Wuerker, UCLA School of Nursing
Funds: School of Nursing Intramural grant, 405230/6G/09549.
Financial Contact: Audrey Williams. Tel: (310) 825-7476. (2000).
Professional Service
Committee Member, The IMS 2013 Conference Organizing Committee, Chengdu. (May 1, 2013
- July 4, 2013).
Review of contributed papers for the conference and organizing the section of nonparametric
statistical inference in the conference
Section Chair: statistical models in financial applications. The IMS 2013 conference organizing committee, Chengdu. (May 1, 2013 - July 4, 2013)
Reviewer for: Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences (November 2014)
Referee (11/2014) to the manuscript " Uniform Distributions and Random Generation over Generalized Balls and Spheres" (Manuscript ID: PEIS-2014-1003)
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation (November 2014)
Referee (11/2014) to the manuscript " A New Test for Multivariate Normality by Combining Extreme and Non-extreme BHEP Tests" (Manuscript ID: LSSP-2014-0314)
Reviewer for: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (February 2011)
Referee (2/2011) to the manuscript " On a scale-scale plot for comparing multivariate
distributions" (Manuscript ID: JRSS-OA-SB-Jan-11-0015, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B)
Reviewer for: Metrika (January 2011)
Referee (1/2011) to the manuscript "A conditional distribution approach to sampling
uniformly distributed points on spheres and balls in Lp spaces" (Manuscript No. BO-10-12-20,
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods (December 2010)
Referee (12/2010) to the manuscript "On an optimal quantization of the support of
a continuous multivariate distribution, using a criterion based on mutual information"
(LSTA-2010-0701, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods)
Reviewer, TEST (July 2010)
Referee (7/2010) to the manuscript "Testing for bivariate spherical symmetry" (SEIO-D-10-00080,
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (November 2009)
Referee (11/2009) to the manuscript "A dimensionally reduced finite mixture model
for multilevel data" (#JMVA-09-190, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Computational Statistics & Data Analysis (May 2009)
Referee (5/2009) to the manuscript "Goodness-of-fit tests for location-scale families
based on random distance" (#CSDA_D_09_00494, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis)
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods (December 2008)
Referee (12/2008) to the manuscript "Correction of bias in imputing missing values
of categorical variables" (#LSTA-2008-0574, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods)
Reviewer, Statistics (July 2008)
Referee (7/2008) to the manuscript "Testing sphericity using small samples" (GSTA-2008-0013,
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (May 2008)
Referee (5/2008) to the manuscript "Checking for normality in linear mixed models"
(#JMVA-08-159, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Referee (3/2008) to the manuscript "A new formulation of the Hinich’s bispectral test for linearity based on a novel Q-Q plot for testing distributional hypotheses" (#JSPI-D-08-00037, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference)
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods (January 2008)
Referee (1/2008) to the manuscript "Correction of bias in imputing missing values
of categorical variables" (#LSTA-2008-0015, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods)
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods (December 2007)
Referee (12/2007) to the manuscript "Influence angle cluster approach for high dimensional
data sets" (#LSTA-2007-0517, Communications in Statistics –Theory and Methods)
Reviewer, for: Biometrical Journal (September 2007)
Referee (10/2007) to the manuscript "Testing normality for longitudinal studies with
missing data" (#BIMJ.200709261, Biometrical Journal)
Reviewer for: Communications in Statistics –Simulation and Computation (August 2007)
Referee (8/2007) to the manuscript "Distribution of the Λ-criterion for sphericity
test and its connection to a generalized Dirichlet model" (#LSSP-2007-0039, Communications in Statistics –Simulation and Computation)
Reviewer for: Statistics in Medicine (March 2007)
Referee (3/2007) to the manuscript "Inferences on a common correlation coefficient"
(#SIM-06-0697, Statistics in Medicine)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (October 2006)
Referee (10/2006) to the manuscript "On Mardia's and Song's measures of kurtosis in
elliptical distributions" (#JMVA-06-211, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Statistics Education Research Journal (August 2006)
Referee (8/2006) to the manuscript "Students’ achievements in a statistics course
in relation to motivational aspects and study behavior" (#SERJ_MS_06-011, Statistics Education Research Journal)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (January 2006)
Referee (1/2006) to the manuscript "Influence of averaging observations on ellipsoidal
confidence region in bivariate normal samples" (#JMVA-06-9, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Statistics and Probability Letters (September 2005)
Referee (9/2005) to the manuscript "On the regular variation of elliptical random
vectors" (#4993, Statistics and Probability Letters)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (March 2005)
Referee (3/2005) to the manuscript "Tests for multivariate normality based on the
characteristic function" (#JMVA-05-4, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: International Statistical Review (February 2005)
Referee (2/2005) to the manuscript "On testing for the nullity of some skewness coefficients"
(#ISR/04-45, International Statistical Review)
Reviewer for: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B (February 2005)
Referee (2/2005) to the manuscript "Modeling Directional dispersion through hyperspherical
log-splines" (#B6054, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, Series B)
Reviewer for: Psychometrika (February 2005)
Referee (2/2005) to the manuscript "Factor analyses for non-normal variables by fitting
characteristic functions" (#PM04-1268, Psychometrika)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (December 2004)
Referee (12/2004) to the manuscript "Sums and ratios for some bivariate Pareto distributions"
(#JMVA-04-129, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (September 2004)
Referee (9/2004) to the manuscript "Sequences of elliptical distributions and mixtures
of normal distributions" (#JMVA-04-69, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (September 2004)
Referee (9/2004) to the manuscript "On the ratio x/y for some elliptically symmetric
distributions" (#JMVA-04-59, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (February 2004)
Referee (2/2004) to the manuscript "On a combination method of VDR and patchwork for
generating uniform random points on a unit sphere" (#JMVA138, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (September 2003)
Referee (9/2003) to the manuscript "Asymptotic robustness of the normal theory likelihood
ratio statistic for two-level covariance structure models" (#JMVA194, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (June 2003)
Referee (6/2003) to the manuscript "Non-central quadratic forms of the skew elliptical
variables" (#JMVA127, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Behaviormetrika (December 2002)
Referee (12/2002) to the manuscript "An application of multilevel model prediction
to NELS:88" (#BHMK02-11, Behaviormetrika)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (November 2002)
Referee (11/2002) to the manuscript "Testing for affine equivalence of elliptically
symmetric distributions (#JMVA2002-0028, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (September 2002)
Referee (9/2002) to the manuscript "The Kotz-type distribution (#JMVA2002-0030, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (February 2002)
Referee (8/2002) to the manuscript "Eight test statistics for multilevel structural
equation models" (#CSDA02139e, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis)
Reviewer for: Psychometrika (December 2001)
Referee (12/2001) to the manuscript "Generalized multilevel structural equation modeling"
(#2001-938, Psychometrika)
Reviewer for: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (June 2000)
Referee (6/2000) to the manuscript "The actual size of the chi-square and the likelihood
ratio test of independence in a contingency table" (#00-2022, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis)
Reviewer for: Computational Statistics and Data Analysis (May 2000)
Referee (5/2000) to the manuscript "Large sample test for the equality of two correlated
variances" (#00-2015, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis)
Reviewer for: Biometrical Journal (April 2000)
Referee (4/2000) to the manuscript "Spherical tests in balanced multivariate mixed
models" (Biometrical Journal)
Reviewer for: Psychometrika (February 2000)
Referee (2/2000) to the manuscript "Heterogenous factor analysis models: A Bayesian
approach observations" (#PM00-0790, Psychometrika)
Reviewer for: Biometrical Journal (September 1999)
Referee (9/1999) to the manuscript "Detection of pairwise correlations in a multivariate
structure" (paper No. 99062301, Biometrical Journal)
Reviewer for: Journal of Multivariate Analysis (September 1999)
Referee (9/1999) to the manuscript "Convergence of factor predictors in factor analysis"
(#JMVA99-0108, Journal of Multivariate Analysis)
Reviewer for: Psychometrika (December 1998).
Referee (12/1998) to the manuscript "Maximum likelihood estimation of latent interaction
effects with the LMS method" (#PM98-647F, Psychometrika)
University of New Haven
- QANL 1118 Business Mathematics
- QANL 2216 Business Statistics
- QANL 6604 Probability & Statistics