Khadija Al Arkoubi, Ph.D.

Khadija Al Arkoubi  Image
Acting Chair

Management, BUSA, International Business Departments
Pompea College of Business

Ph.D., New Mexico State University, 2008.
Major: Business Administration with a specialization in Human Resource Management Supporting Areas of Emphasis: Counseling and Educational Psychology
Dissertation Title: Spiritual Leadership in Moroccan Business: An Ethnographic Study of Ynna Holding

M.S., University of Manchester, 1999.
Major: Human Resources Management
Dissertation Title: "Organizational Change in Morocco: The case of human resource management in the Ministry of Equipment"

BS, School of Information Sciences, 1993.
Major: Information Sciences

About Khadija

I am an associate professor of management at the University of New Haven where I teach MBA and undergraduate courses in Management. I received my Ph.D. from New Mexico State University in Business Administration, with a specialization in Human Resource Management, and a minor in Counseling and Educational Psychology. I have significant academic and professional international work experience. Prior to joining the University of New Haven, I held Academic and professional jobs in Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. Besides my academic experience in both countries, I worked as a consultant and corporate trainer in Dubai and as an officer in the Moroccan Ministry of Public Works. I received multiple awards throughout my academic career such as, the Academy of Management award for the second most promising dissertation in the area of Management, Religion and Spirituality, the Fulbright-Hays grant for the project, " Global Classrooms and Cultural Connections for the 21st Century Learners: Morocco’s Bountiful Perspectives " and the Chevening Scholarship offered by the British Government. My research interests include spiritual and global leadership, International Human Resource Management/Human Resource Development (IHRM, IHRD) and Management Education. I serve as an ad-hoc reviewer for many journals such as the International Journal of Human Resource Management, the Journal of Business Ethics, Human Relations, and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. I am a member of multiple professional/academic Associations such as, the Academy of Management, the Eastern Academy of Management, and the Academy of Human Resource Development.

Awards and Honors

University of New Haven, West Haven, CT - Nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award. (2012).

Al Akhawayn University - Award of one of the best faculty advisors. (2004).

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Published Intellectual Contributions

Al Arkoubi, K. (2013). The Islamic Faith: Implications for Business Management.
Handbook of Faith and Spirituality in the Workplace.

Dirani, K., Al Arkoubi, K. (2011). Managerial Technology Transfer: The Middle East and North African Experience. Managerial Technology Transfer. New York: Nova Science.

Boje, D., Al Arkoubi, K. (2009). Critical management education beyond the siege. The SAGE Handbook of Management Learning, Education and Development. London: Sage Publications.

Benson, P., Al Arkoubi, K. (2006). HRM in Morocco. In Pawan S. Budhwar & Kamel Mellahi (Ed.), Managing human resources in the Middle East (pp. 273-290). Routledge / Taylor & Francis Group.

McCourt, W., Al Arkoubi, K. (2006). Morocco: The politics of HRM. The human factor in governance Managing public employees in Africa and Asia (pp. 96-112). New York, NY: Palgrave MacMillan.

Al Arkoubi, K. (08/31/2011). East Meets West: Spiritual Leadership from an Islamic Perspective. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Conference, San Antonio, TX, USA.

Al Arkoubi, K. (07/31/2011). Emiratisation: Mirage or Reality. Proceedings of the Gulf Research Meeting.

Dirani, K., Al Arkoubi, K. (02/28/2008). Individualism and Collectivism in Lebanon: Correlations with Socio-Economic Factors and Effects on Management and Human Resources Practices. Panama City, FL, USA: Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference.

Al Arkoubi, K., Bishop, J., Scott, D. (03/31/2007). An investigation of the determinants of turnover intention among truck drivers in the U.S. . Proceedings of the Southwest Decision Science Institute Conference.

Al Arkoubi, K. (11/30/2007). Authentic storytelling for authentic leadership. Nashville, Tennessee: Proceedings of the Southern Management Association (SMA).

Al Arkoubi, K., Dirani, K. (02/28/2007). Social capital development: The global leadership challenge. Indianapolis, Indiana: Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) Conference.

Al Arkoubi, K., Kalargiros, M., Kinghorn, B. (12/31/2006). Self-efficacy and academic achievement. Proceedings of the Southern Management Association (SMA).

Al Arkoubi, K., Benson, P. (12/31/2006). The Islamic Justice: Implications on HRM practices and work behavior. Birmingham, UK: Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management at Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK.

Al Arkoubi, K. (12/31/2005). Global leaders' selection: The state of the art and the perspectives.. Lancaster, UK: Studying Leadership: Future Agendas.

Al Arkoubi, K., Rodriguez, M. M. (12/31/2005). Exploring the correlations between emotional intelligence and transformational leadership. Proceedings of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences Conference, Las Vegas, USA.

Al Arkoubi, K., Benson, P. (12/31/2005). Labor law in Morocco: The real reform. Proceedings of the biannual meeting of the International Human Resource Management Conference, Cairn, Australia.

Al Arkoubi, K. (12/31/2005). Offshoring and globalization: Where is the wave heading?. Charleston, South Carolina: Proceedings of the Academy of International Business Conference.

Boje, D., Al Arkoubi, K. (12/31/2005). Towards a dialogic systems theory. Philadelphia, PA: Proceedings of the Standing Conference for Management Science and Organizational Inquiry (Sc.Moi) conference.

Cox, B., Al Arkoubi, K. (12/31/2005). Workplace Learning in Morocco: Private Sector Practices.. Estes Park, Colorado, USA: Proceedings of the Academy of Human Resource Development Conference.

Al Arkoubi, K., McCourt, W. (12/31/2003). The Politics of HRM in the Moroccan Civil Service: Waiting for Godot. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Human Resource Management in Limerick, Ireland.

Mendez, M., Al Arkoubi, K., Cai-Hillon, Y. (2014, in press). A Storytellers Exercise. To appear in Academy of Educational Leadership Journal.

Finn, D. M., Al Arkoubi, K., Mahoney, K., Ammon, R., Fried, G. B. (2014, in press). Killer Jobs: The dark side of being a physical education instructor. To appear in Strategies.

Al Arkoubi, K., Davis, E. (2013). Building sustainable organizational capital: The global leadership challenge. The Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 13(9), 11-20.

Al Arkoubi, K. (2013). Authentic storytelling for authentic leadership: Putting identity at the centre. Erudite Journal of Business Administration and Management, 2(1), 1-11.

Al Arkoubi, K., Bishop, J., Scott, D. (2013). An investigation of the determinants of turnover intention among truck drivers in the US. Advances in Management, 6(3), 55-61.

Cox, B., Al Arkoubi, K., Estrada, S. (2006). National human resource development in transitioning societies in the developing world: Morocco. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 8(1), 84-98.

Boje, D., Al Arkoubi, K. (2006). Third Cybernetic Revolution: Beyond Open to Dialogic System Theories. TAMARA: Journal of Critical Postmodern Organization Science, 4(2), 138-150.

Al Arkoubi, K., McCourt, W. (2004). The Politics of HRM in the Moroccan Civil Service: Waiting for Godot. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(6), 978-995.

Presentations Given

Al Arkoubi, K., Sc Moi conference, "Care to Care: Developing Workplace Compassion through Storytelling," Alexandria, Virginia, USA. (April 2013).

Al Arkoubi, K., The Annual Meeting of the Academy of International Business, "The Power of Critical Storytelling in Management Education," The Academy of International Business, US Northeast Chapter, Fairfield, Connecticut. (October 2012).

Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Fundamentalism at work," Academy of Management Conference, Boston, Massachusetts. (August 2012).

Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Spiritual Leadership: Uncovering the Journey of Growth of a Moroccan Leader," Academy of Management Conference, San Anthonio, Texas. (August 2011).

Al Arkoubi, K., The Equal Opportunities International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, "Teaching diversity in a diverse country: The case of the UAE," The Equal Opportunities International Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. (July 2009).

Al Arkoubi, K., Al Arkoubi, S., The Standing Conference of Management Science (Sc Moi), "Moroccan women and issues related to identity," The Standing Conference of Management Science and Organizational Inquiry (ScMoi), Las Vegas, Nevada. (November 2007).

Al Arkoubi, K., Academy of Management Conference, "Spiritual leadership and identity in Moroccan business: An Ethnographic Study of Ynna Holding.," the Academy of Management Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. (August 2007).

Professional Positions

Assistant Professor of Management, University of New Haven. (August 2010 - Present).

Assistant Professor of Human Resource Management & Organizational Behavior, Zayed University, Dubai, UAE. (August 2008 - July 2010).

Instructor & Research Assistant, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM. (August 2004 - June 2008).

Lecturer and Coordinator of the Human Resource Development (HRD) Program, Al Akhawayn University. (August 2002 - June 2004).

Officer in charge of Studies Related to Human Resource Management, Ministry of Public Works, Department of Personnel Management and Training, Rabat, Morocco. (April 1995 - July 2002).

Manager of the Information and Documentation Centre, Ministry of Public Works, Department of Personnel Management and Training, Rabat, Morocco. (1994 - 1995). Manager of the Information and Documentation Centre


Institute of Community Engagement, Zayed University. Career Management in Dubai Municipality (2008).

Institute of Community Engagement, Zayed University. Delivered a training module on performance management to a group of line managers working in Mashreq Bank, UAE (2009).

Institute of Community Engagement, Zayed University. Delivered a module on Human Resource Management Principles in the context of Luxury Retail Leadership Program designed for a group of line managers from Paris Gallery (Al Fahim Holding), UAE (2009).

Institute of Community Engagement, Zayed University. Prepared a group of managers from different organizations to the SPHR and PHR Certification Exam (2009).

Professional Service

Reviewer, Journal Article, Human Relations. (2014).

Reviewer, Journal Article, The International Journal of Human Resource Management. (2014).

Book Proposal Reviewer. (December 2013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, The International Journal of Human Resource Management. (December 2013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. (2013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion. (August 2013).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal. (2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Human Resource Development Review. (2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Business Ethics. (2012).

Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Organisation Studies. (2009).

Courses Taught


  • MGMT 3331 Management of Human Resources, 2 courses
  • MGMT 4410 Human Resource Development, 1 course
  • MGMT 6645 Management of Human Resources, 4 courses
  • MGMT 6695 Independent Study I, 1 course


  • Guest Lecture
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