The Bergami Summer Internships Blog

Sport Management Major Says Critical Thinking Key to Internship Success

Critical thinking is something that I have to do on a daily basis with my internship at Central. One task that I am given weekly is to take multiple different reports from the NCAA and Admissions office and compile them into a master spreadsheet. When I am doing this, sometimes there is missing information or pieces that don’t add up, so I have to use critical thinking to figure out how to find the information that I need.

Another time that critical thinking is important to me is when I am given new tasks to do. When I am unfamiliar with the spreadsheets or software that I am using I have to do my best to use critical thinking to help work through accomplishing my tasks to the best of my ability.

In my internship environment I have to put aside any biases I may have toward certain topics in order to accomplish my daily tasks. This could include simply having a bias that something would be boring. Instead I have to go into tasks with an open mind and complete them.

In the environment that I live in I put aside biases toward all different types of people, because West Haven is a very diverse city. I’ve found that having an open mind best allows me to make the most of any situation I am in, whether it be where I live or where I work.

The Bergami Summer Internship Program is funded through the generosity of Board of Governors member – and former Board Chair – Sam Bergami ’85 EMBA and his wife, Lois, and the Division of Student Affairs. The students are blogging about the experience throughout the summer.