The Bergami Summer Internships Blog

Sport Management Major Reflects on Rewarding Work in Compliance

After having been at my internship for a month now, I can confidently say that I made the right decision to seek out an internship for the summer. Thus far, my internship has given me knowledge as well as allowed me to make meaningful connections with the people I am learning from.

The internship search process is definitely stressful and seemed overwhelming at times. For me, it wasn’t until January that I finally decided that I wanted to pursue finding an internship in Connecticut. This was a big decision for me, because it meant having to commit to my first summer away from home with all of my family and friends.

I knew that I wanted to do an internship within intercollegiate athletics, so I started my search by looking up colleges located in Connecticut that are not too far from West Haven. After finding schools, I emailed a staff member from the athletics department telling them a little bit about myself and why I was interested in doing an internship in intercollegiate athletics.

Despite the fact that I emailed nearly a dozen schools, Central Connecticut State was not one of the schools I emailed. But I had a conversation with my coach about how I was looking for an internship within college athletics in Connecticut, and, luckily enough, she had a connection at Central and was able to provide me with an opportunity to interview for the position I have now.

As for the highs and lows of an internship, so far I am lucky to say I have experienced way more highs than lows. A big high that I am able to experience is knowing that the work that I am doing is benefitting everyone else within the athletic department.

The more I learn, the more independent I am able to become which allows me to help the coaches, without needing my supervisor to constantly be monitoring me. Collaborating and working with other professionals has taught me how to handle myself within a professional environment.

While I am coming to learn the specific environment at Central, I am able to see how the staff here maintains a certain level of professionalism while also having fun and laughing with one another. I have learned how to communicate in a way that is professional, while still being personal.

My internship is giving me the great opportunity to learn what it is like to work in compliance within an intercollegiate athletic department, and I highly recommend that all students should get do an internship.

The Bergami Summer Internship Program is funded through the generosity of Board of Governors member – and former Board Chair – Sam Bergami ’85 EMBA and his wife, Lois, and the Division of Student Affairs. The students are blogging about the experience throughout the summer.