My first few weeks have been full of information. When I first came into the firm, I was nervous but excited. I quickly grew very confident in myself and my abilities. I love working for the firm and find our work exciting. I’m always experiencing something new which is important to me.
I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue a career that keeps me on my toes. The work we do is interesting because it is always different. Every day is a new adventure. You may think you know something, but the opposing side will always try to throw you off your game. Our office is very fast paced but relatively quiet. As of right now, it is just Attorney Cutillo and I, so the office is more relaxed.
The work we do is intense, but the environment is never too stressful. I very much enjoy working at this firm because of the work, the atmosphere, and the culture. I’m learning what it is really like to be an attorney, the ins and outs, the ups and downs, and getting great advice.
One motto I often hear in court is, "Hurry up and wait.” The field is so fast paced that something new is always coming up, but you cannot act until you have everything figured out. It is not really what I had expected when I started this internship, but I am getting used to it.
I am an extremely calculating and fast-paced person. I like consistency, facts, critical thinking, and working with others. I feel that this career is perfect for me because it encompasses everything that I am. As of right now, I don’t really know what type of place I’d like to work in the future. I enjoy working in a small office and the benefits that come with it, however I may want to explore different avenues. I may want to experience a larger firm in the future. I’m excited to see where life takes me.
The Bergami Summer Internship Program is funded through the generosity of Board of Governors member – and former Board Chair – Sam Bergami ’85 EMBA and his wife, Lois, and the Division of Student Affairs. The students are blogging about the experience throughout the summer.