John Persano, M.S.

John Persano Image
Adjunct Faculty

Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering

B.S. University of New Haven
M.S. in Computer Science, University of New Haven

Research Interests

High dimension optimization, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and heterogeneous computing.

About John

John Persano is a professional software engineer and an adjunct faculty at the University of New Haven. He has a strong interest in machine learning, real-time communication, web application development, and electronics.


Persano, J., Mikki, S. (2018) "Gradient Population Optimization: A TensorFlow-Based Heterogeneous Non-von-Neumann Paradigm for Large-Scale Search”. IEEE Access

Persano, J., Mikki, S., Antar, Y. (2017) "A Novel Massively-Parallel Processing Framework for Real-Time MIMO and Smart Antenna Array Beam Control”. CEM 2017

Alzahed, A., Mikki, S., Persano, J., Antar, Y. (2017) "A New Algorithm for Radar Target Identification Using a GPU-Accelerated ACGF-SEM Technique”. CEM 2017

Mikki, S., Alzahed, A., Hanoon, A., Persano, J., Aulin, J., Antar, Y (2017) "Theory of Electromagnetic Intelligent Agents with Applications to MIMO and DoA Systems”. IEEE AP-S.URSI 2017