Ahmet Ozkul, Ph.D.

Economics and Business Analytics Department
Pompea College of Business
Ph.D., Clemson University, 2003. Major: Management, Dissertation Title: "The impact of batching on supply chain costs in a schedule sharing environment"
M.S., Istanbul Technical University, 1991. Major: Management Engineering, Dissertation Title: "Artificial Intelligence and its applications"
B.S., Istanbul Technical University, 1988. Major: Management Engineering, Dissertation Title: "Database Management Systems"
About Ahmet
For the past 5 years, I have been investigating the impact of the infamous "bullwhip effect" in the context of manufacturing supply chains in which firms share their MRP based production plans with each other. My research showed that negative implications of the impact could be reduced when production planning parameters of the firms are coordinated. In another study, I focused on those supply chains which bundled end products, and investigated if bullwhip effect was still a factor. My findings indicate bullwhip effect may exist in the bundling supply chains and reduction may require an adjustment of production planning parameters. My other research focused on enhancing student learning in the classroom using technology, including developing software to automate exam generation process, and an Excel based simulation game for production planning. As a result of my past research, I am more comfortable discussing supply chain planning issues with deeper knowledge of the subject, and I provide better, hands-on, experiential examples (spreadsheet analysis, simulation games) enhancing student learning and my overall job satisfaction.
See MorePublished Intellectual Contributions
Refereed Conference ProceedingsOzkul, A. S. (12/31/2009). Aligning supply chain firms: Firm types and supply chain orientation. New Orleans, Louisiana: Decision Sciences Institute.
Ozkul, A. S., Yilmaz, H. (12/31/2007). The Impact of Product Types on Performance in a Two Company Co-promotion Partnership. Decision Sciences Institute.
Journal ArticlesM., B., Ozkul, A. S. (2010). Applying social networking concepts when creating supply chains. Barton School Research Connection Wichita State University, 1(1).
Refereed Journal ArticlesOzkul, A. S., Yilmaz, H., Barut, M. (2012). Commodity bundling in the supply chain: A simulation study. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 7(1/2/3), 114-137. http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=51040
Ozkul, A. S. (2012). Development of a computer simulation game using a reverse engineering approach. American Journal of Business Education, 5(6), 643-654. http://journals.cluteonline.com//AJBE/article/view/7387
Bai, X., Ozkul, A. S., Ikem, F. (2012). The four pillars of an automated notification and controlling information system for curriculum advisement. Issues in Information Systems, 13(2), 72-81. http://iacis.org/iis/2012/89_iis_2012_72-81.pdf
Ozkul, A. S. (2012). What is the right supply chain for your bundle? A conceptual framework. AABRI Journal of Management and Marketing Research, 10, 1-18. http://www.aabri.com/manuscripts/111042.pdf
Ozkul, A. S., Barut, M. (2009). Measuring supply chain relationships: A Social Network Approach. International Journal of Integrated Supply Management, 5(1), 38-61. http://inderscience.metapress.com/content/47527q44342v2864/
Ozkul, A. S. (2009). Use of Information Technology in Teaching and Assessment of Learning: Automation in Preparing Course Materials. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal, 25(1), 15-23. http://www.osra.org/itlpj/ozkulspring2009.pdf
Presentations Given
Ozkul, A. S., "Schedule Nervousness and the Bullwhip Effect: A Simulation Study", Decision Sciences Institute, Tampa, FL. (2014).
Ozkul, A. S., 52nd Annual IACIS International Conference, "The four pillars of an information system for curriculum advisement," IACIS, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. (October 3, 2012).
Ozkul, A. S., "Commodity bundling in the supply chain: A simulation study," Decision Sciences Institute, Boston, MA, Boston, Massachusetts. (2011).
Ozkul, A. S., "Current state in logistics in the U.S," University of New Haven, West Haven, CT. (2011).
Ozkul, A. S., "Aligning supply chain firms: Firm types and supply chain orientation,"Presented at Decision Sciences Institute Annual conference, New Orleans, New Orleans, Louisiana. (2009).
Ozkul, A. S., Decision Sciences Institute, "Batch Manufacturer's Order Acceptance Policy under Rolling Horizons Planning Environment," Decision Sciences Institute, Baltimore, Maryland. (2008).
Ozkul, A. S., "In-House Development and Use of a Computer Business Game in Teaching Operations Management," Organizational Systems Research Association, San Diego, California. (2007).
Ozkul, A. S., "The Impact of Batching on Supply Chain Costs in a Schedule Sharing Make to a Stock Environment," Industrial Distribution Educators Association, San Diego, California. (2007).
Professional Positions
AcademicAssociate Professor, University of New Haven. (August 2013 - Present).
Assistant Professor of Management, University of New Haven. (2009 - 2013). Teaching Undergraduate QA Courses: Management Information Systems, Operations Management, Data Mining for Business Intelligence, and Business Mathematics.
Research leading to publications in refereed journals Departmental, college and university service
Assistant Professor of Management, State University of New York. (2005 - 2009). Teaching Undergraduate Courses: Management Information Systems, Operations Management, Fundamentals of Management, and Strategic Management
Research leading to publications in refereed journals Departmental, college and university service
Visiting Assistant Professor of Management, State University of New York. (2003 -2005). Teaching Undergraduate Management Courses
Research Assistant, Clemson University. (2002 - 2003).
Visiting Assistant Professor of Information Systems, Wichita State University. (2001 - 2002). Teaching Undergraduate Courses: Management Information Systems & Decision Support Systems, Teaching MBA Courses: Management Information Systems, and participation in curriculum re-structuring efforts for undergrad MIS Major
Teaching Assistant, Clemson University. (1998 - 2001). Teaching Undergraduate Courses: Management Applications of Microcomputers
Teaching Assistant, Sakarya University. (1991 - 1993). Teaching Undergraduate Courses:
System Analysis & Design, and Database Management Systems
Data Analyst, Method Market Research & Consultancy Co. (1990 - 1991). Responsible for statistical analysis, cross tabulations, charting and programming. Developed a software package to automate routine statistical procedures.
Professional Service
Reviewer, Journal Article, Advances in Engineering Software.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Decision Sciences Institute Annual Conference.
Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications.
Reviewer, Journal Article, Journal of Scientific Research and Essays.
Reviewer, Journal Article, International Journal of Production Research. (2013). Reviewed the manuscript:
Serial versus divergent supply chain networks: a comparative analysis of the bullwhip effect
Chairperson, State University of New York, Curriculum Committee. (2003 - 2009).
Committee Member, State University of New York, Discretionary Awards Committee. (2003 - 2009).
Analysis functions, State University of New York. (2003 - 2009).
Statistical and graphical analysis of annual alumni & student exit surveys.
Participant, State University of New York. (2003 - 2009).
Participation in creating the Senior exam, and administering ETS, outcomes assessment tools.
Participant, State University of New York. (2003 - 2009).
Participation in the efforts assessing and re-structuring the program for AACSB accreditation.
Attendee, State University of New York. (2003 - 2009).
Attendance to Divisional Open House events, and Division Graduation ceremonies.
Committee Member, State University of New York, Personnel Committee. (2003 - 2009).
Committee Member, State University of New York, Students Progress Committee. (2003 - 2009).
Reviewer, Textbook. (2007).
Webster, S. (2007) Operations and Supply Chain Management. 1st edition. McGraw Hill.
Reviewer, Textbook. (2005).
Hitt, M.A., Black. J.S. & Porter, L.W. (2005) Management. 1st edition. Prentice Hall
Reviewer, Textbook. (2004).
Turban, E., Mclean, E. & Wetherbe, J. (2004) Information Technology for Management. 4th Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Courses Taught
- QANL 1118 Business Mathematics
- QANL 2216 Business Statistics
- QANL 3343 Management Information Systems
- QANL 4450 Data Mining (Special Topics)
- QANL 3380 Operations Management