Incoming Student Says University of New Haven Feels Like Home
Emily Miron ’22, who’ll join the University’s Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences, hopes to pursue a career with the Secret Service.
June 4, 2018
By Dave Cranshaw, Office of Marketing & Communications
For Emily Mirón, an incoming member in the University of New Haven’s Class of 2022, she is most looking forward to the opportunity to learn from faculty members who have extensive experience working in the field.
"I’m excited that my professors are all former police officers, FBI agents, or had jobs before becoming professors that I wish to have in the future," she said in blog post written by her high school district.
As a high school student, she was chosen to participate in the Angelo Del Toro Puerto Rican/ Hispanic Youth Leadership Institute, which culminated in several days in Albany with state legislators and leaders who discussed the ins and outs of government and lawmaking.
She also served as member of her high school’s principal’s advisory council and a youth court ambassador.
After graduation, she says she would like to pursue a career as a police officer and, one day, work for the Secret Service. Or she might also decide to pursue a career as a lawyer because she said "being part of youth court had a big impact on me."
She says she is excited to start a new chapter as a Charger.
"I chose the University of New Haven because I’ve always wanted a school where I felt at home and the campus, staff, students, and environment gave me that feeling, as well as being away from home but only two hours, making it easy to come home," she said. "I love the diversity in New Haven, mostly the Latina sororities. My admission counselor was always texting me if I had any questions or concerns. They made me feel wanted at their University."
"Having small classes is one of the benefits I’m looking forward to, so I can have close relationships with my professors."Emily Miron ’22