Vasiliki Kosmidou, Ph.D.

Management Department
Pompea College of Business
Ph.D. in Entrepreneurship, University of Louisville, Kentucky, USA
M.Sc. in Finance, ESADE Business School (Ramon Llull University), Barcelona, Spain
M.Sc. in Educational Psychology, University of Nicosia, Cyprus
B.Sc. in Accounting and Finance, University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Philip, J. & Kosmidou, V. (2022). How proactive personality and ICT-enabled technostress creators configure as drivers of job crafting. Forthcoming at Journal of Management and Organization.
- Kosmidou, V. & Holt, D. (2022). The relationship between family management and performance: A configurational approach in exploring the role of socioemotional wealth and generational stage. Forthcoming at Journal of Family Business Strategy.
- Jessri, M., Kosmidou, V., & Ahuja, M. K. (2020). Employees’ decision to participate in corporate venturing: A conjoint experiment of financial and non-financial motivations. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 13, e00161.
- Kosmidou, V. (2020). A meta-analytic examination of the relationship between family firm generational involvement and performance. Management Research Review, 43(8), 971-987.
- Kosmidou, V. & Ahuja, M. K. (2019). A configurational approach to family firm innovation. Family Business Review, 32(2), 154-173.
- Fiet, J.O., Kerrick, S., Kosmidou, V., & Naskar, S. (2015). Specific Knowledge as a Key to Launching Successful New Ventures. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 35(16), 384-390.
Conference Presentations
*Philip, J., and Kosmidou, V. (2022). Symposium Presentation on Robotics: Examining Individual and Team Phenomena in the Context of Robots and AI Agents, Academy of Management, Seattle, Washington.
*Kosmidou, V., and *Philip, J. (2022). Professional Development Workshop Presentation: Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis (fsQCA) in Management Research, Eastern Academy of Management, Portland, Maine.
Kosmidou, V. and *Philip, J. (2022). Entrepreneurial Education and Entrepreneurial Intentions: A Configurational Meta-Analytic Review. Southwest Academy of Management, New Orleans, Louisiana.
See More*Philip, J. and Kosmidou, V. (2021). Coping with Technostress: A Fuzzy Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis to Generate Personality Trait Profiles. Eastern Academy of Management, Held Virtually due to COVID-19.
*Philip, J. and Kosmidou, V. (2021). Worker Affectivity and Work Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis of Mechanical Turk Samples. Academy of Management, Held Virtually due to COVID-19.
*Kosmidou, V. and Philip, J. (2021). Professionalization and Family Firm Performance: A Meta-Analytic Review. Academy of Management, Held Virtually due to COVID-19.
*Kosmidou, V. (2020). Family Management and Performance in Private Family-Owned Firms: A Configurational Approach in the Role of Socioemotional Wealth and Generational Involvement. Southern Management Association, Held Virtually due to COVID-19.
*Kosmidou, V. (2020). Resource-Based View in the Context of Family Firms: A Configurational Approach. Eastern Academy of Management Annual, Held Virtually due to COVID-19. Won the Best Strategy Paper Award & Best Empirical Conference Paper Award.
*Kosmidou, V. (2019). Fuzzy-Set Qualitative Comparative Analysis in Organizational Innovation Research: A Review of Recent Developments and Future Directions. Midwest Academy of Management, Omaha, Nebraska.
*Kosmidou, V. (2019). Slack Resources & Family Firm Performance: A Socioemotional Wealth Perspective. Family Enterprise Research Conference, Burlington, Vermont.
Fiet, J.O., Kerrick, S., Kosmidou, V., Atkinson, L, and Naskar, S. (2018) (Author). Venture-Specific Knowledge and the Micro Advantages of Repeatedly Successful Entrepreneurs. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.
Kosmidou, V. (2017) (Author & Presenter). The Relationship between Generational Involvement and Performance in Family Firms: a Meta-Analytic Review. Midwest Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois. *Best Student Paper Award
Jessri, M., Kosmidou, V., & Ahuja, M. (2016) (Author & Presenter). Corporate Employee Trade-Offs in Their Decision to Participate in Corporate Ventures. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California.
Fiet, J.O., Kerrick, S., Kosmidou, V., & Naskar, S. (2015) (Author & Presenter). Specific Knowledge as a Key to Launching Successful New Ventures. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
Fiet, J.O., Kerrick, S., Kosmidou, V., & Naskar, S. (2015) (Author & Presenter). Do the Venture Ideas of Repeat Entrepreneurs Change After Their Discovery? Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, Wellesley, Massachusetts.
* indicates presenting author(s)
Courses Taught
University of New Haven
- BUSA1000: Introduction to Business & Entrepreneurship
- MGMT2210: Management & Organization
- MGMT2217: Entrepreneurship
- MGMT2240: Ethics & Diversity
University of Louisville
- MGMT340/ENTR350: Entrepreneurial Creativity & Innovation
- FIN345: Entrepreneurial Finance