Danielle T. Cooper, Ph.D., CPP

Danielle T. Cooper, Ph.D., CPP Image
Associate Professor
Director of Research of Tow Youth Justice Institute

Criminal Justice Department
Henry C. Lee College of Criminal Justice and Forensic Sciences

Ph.D. Criminology, Law, & Society, University of Florida, 2015
M.A. Criminology, Law, & Society, University of Florida, 2011
B.S. Justice Systems, Truman State University, 2009

About Danielle

Dr. Danielle Cooper is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice and the Director of Research at the Tow Youth Justice Institute at the University of New Haven. Dr. Cooper received her BS in Justice Systems (with a minor in Business Administration) in 2009 and her M.A. in Criminology from the University of Florida in 2011. She recently received her Ph.D. in Criminology (with a minor in Organizational Leadership for Nonprofits) from the University of Florida in 2015. She conducts research in the areas of youths and young adults, juvenile justice and delinquency prevention, criminological theory, and sex offending. In addition to her work as a Professor and Researcher, she is also a Certified Prevention Professional who works with nonprofits and community organizations as a prevention trainer and evaluation consultant. Through her work in the community, she has collaborated with key stakeholders, such as youth and their parents, law enforcement, mental health professionals, and youth serving organizations.

Recently Published Peer Reviewed Articles

Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D.T. (Forthcoming, 2018). "Young Adults’ Deviant Cyber-Sexual Activities: Exploring Prevalence and Predictions Using In-Person Sexual Activities and Social Learning Theory." Archives of Sexual Behavior.

Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D.T. (Forthcoming, 2018). Punitive attitudes toward sex offenders: Do moral panics cause community members to be more punitive? Criminal Justice Policy Review.

Cooper, D.T. and Klein, J.L. (2018). Examining college students’ differential deviance: A partial test of social structure-social learning theory. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment.

Cooper, D.T. and Klein, J.L. (2017). "College Students’ Online Pornography Use: Contrasting General and Specific Structural Variables with Social Learning Variables". American Journal of Criminal Justice. Retrieved from http://rdcu.be/zyIH.

Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D.T. (2017). "Do perceptions of statutory rape vary based on offender and victim pairings? Testing the effects of race and gender". Applied Psychology in Criminal Justice, 13(1), 33-50. Retrieved from http://dev.cjcenter.org/_files/apcj/APCJ%20SPRING%202017-klein.pdf_1495141894.pdf.

Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D. T. (2016). "Trial by Error: A Content Analysis of the Media Coverage Surrounding the Jerry Sandusky Trial". Justice Policy Journal, 13(1). Retrieved from http://www.cjcj.org/uploads/cjcj/documents/jpj_trial_by_error.pdf.

Recently Published Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Articles

Cooper, D. T. (Forthcoming, 2018). Second Chance Act. In Worley and Worley (eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Lockdown Nation: An Encyclopedia of Controversies and Trends in American Prisons. ABC-CLIO Publications.

Cooper, D. T. (2017). Substance Use among Inmates. In Kerley, Copes, De Li, Lane, and Sharp (eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Encyclopedia of Corrections. SAGE Publications.

Cooper, D. T. (2017). Death Row. In Kerley, Copes, De Li, Lane, and Sharp (eds.) Invited chapter for inclusion in Encyclopedia of Corrections. SAGE Publications.

Recent National Conference Presentations

*Indicates Undergraduate or Graduate Student Co-Author.

Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (Forthcoming, 2018). "Raise the Age" Legislation as a Prevention Approach to Address Mass Incarceration. Paper accepted for presentation at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Klein, J.L. Beasley, D., and Cooper, D. T. (Forthcoming, 2018). Perpetually Panicked: Testing the Community Attitudes toward Sex Offenders (CATSO) Scale. Paper accepted for presentation at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

*Giarrusso, S. and Cooper, D. T. (Forthcoming, 2018). An Inventory of Juvenile Justice Curriculum in the Largest Criminal Justice/Criminology Programs in the US. Paper accepted for presentation at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

*Jeffries, S., *Giarrusso, S, *Ma, L., Pierre, M., Coker, K., and Cooper, D. T. (Forthcoming, 2018). Examining Race and Recidivism among Connecticut Youth Formerly in Congregate Care. Paper accepted for presentation at the 44th American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

*Ma, L. and Cooper, D. T.. (2018). Examining Variations in US Educational Policies and Legislation Defining Truant and Chronically Absent Students. Paper presented at the American Criminal Justice Society Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA.

Cooper, D. T., and Klein, J.L. (2017). Exploring Black Young Adults’ Decision-Making during a Traffic Stop. Paper presented at the 43rd American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

Klein, J.L. and Cooper, D. T. (2017). Predictors of Black Young Adults’ Responses toward Police during a Disagreement. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

*Brito, G. and Cooper, D. T.. (2017). Examining The Use of Truancy Models Addressing Chronic Absence in Schools Throughout the United States. Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

*Pierre, M., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Mental Health Symptoms, Delinquency, and Recidivism among Justice-Involved Minority Youths in Connecticut. Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

*Jeffries, S., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Examining Race and Recidivism among Connecticut Youth Formerly in Congregate Care. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

*Giarrusso, S., Cooper, D. T., and Coker, K. (2017). Investigating Racial Disparity Among Non-committed Juveniles Offenders Using Different Recidivism Time Periods. Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

*Giarrusso, S. and Cooper, D. T. (2017). Discussing the Status of Juvenile Justice Education through Course Offerings and Concentrations. Paper presented at the American Criminal Justice Society Annual Conference, Kansas City MO.

Cooper, D. T. (2017). Racial Identity Dimensions Predicting Black Young Adults’ Responses during Traffic Stops. Paper presented at the Black Doctoral Network Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Research Interests

Criminological Theories, Youths and Young Adults, Sex Offending, Substance Abuse & Delinquency Prevention


Cooper, D. T. (2015) Black Young Adults' Deferential & Defiant.Decision-Making during Traffic Stops.


Dr. Cooper's Curriculum Vitae

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