Alumni Association Constitution
Article I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the University of New Haven Alumni Association (hereinafter referred to as the "Association").
Article II. Purpose
The purpose of the Association shall be to nourish the growth and enhance the reputation of the University and its alumni, to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship between the University community and alumni, to oversee all alumni programs and activities, to foster loyalty and financial support for the University, to represent alumni interest before the University administration and Board of Governors, and to provide services to alumni.
Article III. Association Membership
The members of The Association shall include individuals:
(a) received a degree (associate, bachelor, graduate, doctorate, honorary) from the University;
(b) completed a credited certificate program from the University;
(c) stopped matriculating at the University for three semesters or more who has satisfactorily completed 27 credit hours as an undergraduate student or 12 credit hours as a graduate student;
(d) have been granted membership by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of the Association.
Article IV. Board of Directors
Section 1. The Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the "Board") shall be the governing body of the Association and shall exist to carry out the purpose of the Association. The Board shall be responsible for approving all policies and program and ensuring the long-term organizational and financial well-being of the Association.
Section 2. Members of the Board shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, approved as nominees by the Board, and elected for a three year term by a majority of the members of the Association voting. A Board member may be re-elected for one second three year term. A Board member appointed to serve a partial term may be elected to a full first and second term thereafter. Upon completion of full consecutive first and second terms, a Board member is not eligible to be reelected to the Board for one year, except a Board member may be nominated by the Nominating Committee and elected at the Association Annual meeting to serve as the President or Vice President of the Board for one full two year term of office. An Officer serving by way of a term extension is ineligible for election or re-appointment to the Board for a one year period.
Section 3. The President shall serve as Chair of the Board and shall preside at all meetings. The Director of Alumni Relations shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member of the Board.
Section 4. Every attempt shall be made to make the Board representative of the membership of the Association.
Section 5. Article IV, Section 5. All persons meeting membership requirements of the Association may serve on the Board, except alumni otherwise restricted in accordance with the By-laws.
Section 6. The Board shall meet at least four times each fiscal year. A meeting in the last quarter of the Board year shall be designated as the Annual Meeting of the Association at which time Officers and Committee Chairpersons shall present their annual reports and, members shall be elected or re-elected. Every other year, officers shall be elected during the Annual Meeting. Notice of the Annual meeting shall be provided to all members of the Association not less than thirty days prior to the date of the meeting and the agenda shall be published and available to the members not less than ten business days prior to the meeting, except the agenda may be amended by the Board, if it is in the best interest of the Association to do so at the Annual Meeting.
Article V. Executive Committee
Section 1. The Executive Committee of the Association shall exist to assist the Board in carrying out the purpose of the Association. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for managing the affairs of the Board and its committees, acting on behalf of the Board in emergency situations, providing recommendations to the Board, and advising the President of the Association.
Section 2. The member of the Executive Committee shall include the following:
(a) the Officers of the Association, including the President, Vice President(s), Treasurer and Secretary;
(b) the Chairpersons of standing committees, as outlined in the Bylaws; and
(c) the Director of Alumni Relations, who shall serve as a non-voting ex-officio member.
Section 3. The President shall serve as Chair of the Executive Committee and shall preside at all meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet at least twice each fiscal year and minutes of all meetings shall be distributed to the Board.
Section 4. In order to be nominated as an officer, an individual must be a member of the Board. Officers shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, and elected by a majority vote of the Board. No person shall serve as President for more than one two-year terms in any six year period.
Article VI. – Bylaws
There shall be Bylaws of the Association which shall be approved or amended by a majority vote of the Board. The Secretary of the Board shall publish the By-Laws in accordance with Article VII, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Article VII. – Constitutional Amendments and Publication
Section 1. This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Board and two-thirds vote of the member of the Association casting their votes at or before the Annual Meeting. Copies of the amendments shall be distributed to all members of the Association, and provision shall be made for absentee voting. Amendments shall become effective on July 1 following approval by the voting members of the Association, unless otherwise provided in the amendment.
Section 2. The Secretary of the Board shall cause the Constitution and By- Laws to be published as then amended not less than ten business days prior to the Annual Meeting and, if amendments are pending and acted upon during the Annual Meeting, within ten business days thereafter.
REVISED: 4/20/15 | EFFECTIVE 7/1/15