Alumni Association By-Laws
Article I. Nominations and Elections
Section 1. The Board of Directors, hereinafter referred to as the "Board," shall have no less than 25 members and no more than 35 members. In the event that the membership falls below 25 members, the Board shall install new members to serve the balance of a term for each vacancy until 25 members are either duly elected to full terms or new members have been appointed. If the membership level is greater than 25 and less than 35, the Board may install persons to serve the balance of term as it determines to be in the best interest of the Board, the Association and the University.
Section 2. Each member of the Board shall be elected for a three-year term and may be reelected for one term. A member's term shall commence on the July 1st immediately following the Annual Meeting at which they are elected. Criteria for re-nomination shall be established by the Nominating Committee. After serving two-consecutive terms, a member must take a one-year hiatus before seeking re-election or re-appointment to the Board, except if elected to serve a term extension as the President or Vice President as provided in Article IV, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Section 3. A vacancy that occurs in Board membership prior to the scheduled completion of a full term may be filled by a majority vote of the Board following the recommendation of the Nominating Committee. The appointed member will complete the unexpired portion of said position.
Section 4. A vacancy which occurs in an officer position prior to the scheduled completion of said shall be filled by the President with the majority vote approval of the Board. This individual will complete the unexpired portion of said position.
Section 5. Nominees for Board membership shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee, approved by a majority vote of the Board, and elected for a three-year term by a majority vote of those members of the Association casting their votes on or before the Annual Meeting of the Alumni Association. All members of the Association, shall be notified of the names of the candidates for Board membership and provision shall be made for absentee ballots.
Section 6. Upon recommendation of the Executive Committee, a Board member may be removed from the Board for just cause by a two-thirds vote of the entire Board at a regular or special meeting. A minimum of ten days notice of such a vote must be made to the Board. For the purpose of this section, absentee ballots or proxies shall not be acceptable.
Article II. Board Meetings
Section 1. All votes of the Board require a quorum equal to a majority of the current number of voting members of the Board.
Section 2. All members of the Association may attend and speak at meetings of the Board; however, only appointed members of the board may vote.
Section 3. All Board members shall abide by Robert's Rules of Order at the discretion of the President.
Article III. Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall:
(a) Direct the activities of the Association and provide leadership in fulfilling the mission of the Association;
(b) Preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board;
(c) Promote the interests of the alumni and serve as primary liaison to the University;
to serve as a voting member of the Board of Governors of the University, in accordance
with the University Bylaws;
(d) Establish all special and ad hoc committee and define the powers and duties of
said committees;
(e) Appoint all committee chairs and committee members and serve as an ex officio
member of all committees;
(f) Fill all vacancies on the Executive Committee with a majority vote approval of
the Board.
Section 2. The Vice President's shall:
(a) Preside at meetings of the Executive Committee and Board in the absence of the
(b) Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence;
(c) Assist the President in fulfilling his/her duties and carry out any other duties assigned by the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
(a) Record, distribute and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee and Board;
(b) Maintain the membership list of the Executive Committee, Board, and Association, maintain the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association; and maintain all correspondence
of the Board and Association;
(c) Carry out any other duties assigned by the President.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Oversee all the revenues, expenditures and investments of the Association;
(b) Oversee the preparation of budgets for submission to the Board and, if appointed by the president, chair the Finance and Budget Committee.
(c) Report regularly to the Board on the status of the Association's budget and investments;
(d) Carry out any other duties assigned by the President.
Article IV. Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is established by the Constitution of the Association and its responsibilities are delineated therein.
Article V. Standing Committees
Section 1. Standing committees and the powers and duties of said committees shall be established by an affirmative vote of a majority of the Board.
Section 2. All committee chairs and members of standing committees shall be appointed by the President.
Section 3. All Board members shall serve as an active member of at least one committee.
Section 4. Standing committees shall include the following:
(a) Program and Events – Develop new and existing programs and events to foster loyalty
and support among Alumni across the all regions of the country and world
(b) Advancement – Oversee Alumni giving, including the Annual Fund, alumni Phonathon
and other development activities. Oversee all revenues and expenditures of the association
and develop a budget for approval by the Board
(c) Benefits and Services – Responsible for enhancing Alumni loyalty to the Association
and University by adding value to membership through benefits and services. Serve
as lead developers, reviewers and provide recommendations on strategies for the long
term and short term goals of the Association.
(d) Membership Committee – This committee shall be responsible for identifying, researching
and nominating candidates for membership on the Board, nominating members of the Board
to serve as officers, and orientating new members of the Board. This committee shall
also, on an annual basis, survey each nominee during the nomination process and each
current Board member for potential conflicts of interest.
Article VI. Special and Ad Hoc Committees
Section 1. Special committees shall be established by the President to fulfill the objectives of the Association and shall remain active at the discretion of the President.
Section 2. Special committees shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
(a) Constitution and Bylaws Revision Committee - This committee shall be established
to periodically review the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association and recommend
revisions to the Board and/or Association's member for approval.
(b) Alumni Awards Selection Committee - This committee shall serve to identify, research,
review, and recommend candidates for alumni awards. All committee recommendations
must be approved by a majority vote of the Board.
(c) Homecoming and Reunion Committee - this committee shall plan Homecoming and Reunion
activities and encourage alumni attendance at these events.
(d) Scholarship Ball Committee - This committee shall organize the Alumni Scholarship
Ball to raise funds for the endowed scholarship fund and encourage alumni attendance
at this event.
Section 3. The President may establish temporary Ad Hoc Committees to assist in fulfilling the objectives of the Association.
Article VII. Amendments
These Bylaws or any portion thereof may be amended by an affirmative vote of the Board and shall become effective upon approval. Notice of any proposed amendment shall be provided to all members of the Board at least ten days prior to any meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.
REVISED: 4/20/15 | EFFECTIVE: 7/1/15