TCoE Vision and Mission


Our graduates will lead innovation through collaboration.


To provide innovative, distinctive and transformational learning opportunities that develop creative and responsible engineering and applied science leaders of the future.

Mission Realization

To achieve its mission, the Tagliatela College of Engineering will:

  • Enhance the learning of diverse students through engaged classroom experiences involving hands-on projects and active learning methods
  • Prepare students for modern workplaces by immersing them in multidisciplinary and team-based environments
  • Educate students to solve tomorrow’s problems by instilling an entrepreneurial mindset
  • Benefit society by engaging students in research, scholarship and outreach
  • Support long-term career growth by developing students’ technical and interpersonal communication skills
  • Develop students’ global awareness by exploring the impact of engineering solutions on a world scale
  • Expose students to real world experiences by partnering with industry, government, and community organizations
  • Develop an international reputation by promoting an all-encompassing climate of excellence